Published Fiction

“Dead Squirrel Removal”


Arriving Summer/Fall 2024

“Scouts in the Woods”

Reprint in Bullshit Lit

“Ice Water”

Leon: Literary Review, Issue 22

Shortlisted for the Fractured Literary 2023 Micro Challenge Contest

“Girl on a Sidewalk // Boys in a Car”

Querencia Press

“Not Ghosts, But Spirits” Vol. II

“Remember Your Goals”

Fractured Literary

Winner of the Anthology II Contest, judged by Deesha Philyaw

“The Family Dinner”

in Catapult’s Tiny Nightmares

Edited by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Neito

Collection Nominated for a Shirley Jackson Award


Blood Orange Review

Winner of the 2021 Literary Contest, judged by Vi Khi Nao

“Breadcrumbs to Home”

Post Road



Nominated for Sundress Publications Best of the Net 2018

“Scouts in the Woods”


Included in the Halloween pop-up issue, “Spookyfroot”

“Pink Daughter”



Postcard Poems and Prose

A previous version of this story was a Top-25 Finalist in the Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers


The Westchester Review, Volume 8

Top-25 Finalist in the Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers

Received an Honorable Mention for the 2021 Nancy Lynn Schwartz Prize for Fiction Writing


Lockjaw Magazine


Sugar Mule, Issue 48

Published Non-Fiction

Published Non-Fiction can be found at